giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

DUOLINGO - A funny method to learn languages

Today i want speak about an application that i discovered this year on my android tablet :


Last year this application was nominated "Best "2013 Learn application" on Android and IPhone Market :

Google Play

It's a free application and also it's possible to use it on web :

Many languages are supported : english, spanish, french, german, portuguese, italian, and others.

I hope to improve my low english level with this funny app.

Stay tuned.

venerdì 3 gennaio 2014

Year 2014

Year 2014

2014 started three day ago and it's time to check my 2013 objectives :

  • Improve my English Level                                            : Failed (Same level of 2013)
  • Improve my Chess Level                                             : Failed (Few games and worse level)
  • Improve my incomes                                                   : Failed (Failed only a good change in Conto                                                                                                    Arancio)       
  • Be a better Christian                                                    : So and so
  • Learn Android or a mobile languages (QT, jme, ...)      : Failed (No new language learned)
  • Write more posts on this blog                                       : OK (This year i wrote more posts)
Only one objective over 6, very very bad.

So my new objectives for 2014 will be :

  • Improve my English Level      
  • Improve my Chess Level       
  • Improve my incomes        
  • Be a better Christian        
  • Learn Android or a mobile languages (Android, j2ee, php, ...) 
  • Write more posts on this blog
I hope, like every year, that in January 2014 results will be better ;-)

Stay tuned.

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