sabato 8 novembre 2014


Hi all

Today i want speak about education and eLearning websites.
Personally I am using COURSERA, in this site you can find many courses about a lot of arguments from Literature to Engineering.

Actually if you want study, internet offers many possibilities, there are no excuses. Only you have to choose the course and follow it.

During the course selection it's very important put the focus on three questions :

  • Why do i want learn it? 
  • What do i know about this matter?
  • What do i expect from a course ?
In other words where i start and where i want arrive. Learn is simply a path from an A point to a B.

Another important factor is "perseverance" if you don't have it never you can terminate a course, you have to spend part of your time to study continuously day by day, week by week.

Use a eLearning site it's different to study in a real classroom and it needs more discipline, concentration and good capability of autonomy, Instead you can organize better your lessons in according of own learning ability.

There are many eLearning sites, for me the best alternatives to COURSERA are :
The last one it's one of the best about computer science and programming languages

Stay tuned.

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