martedì 27 gennaio 2015

mercoledì 21 gennaio 2015


Hi all

Today i want report this link that contains an interesting repository of  oracle sql script.

Scripts are divided for release and type.

Very useful are script to monitoring database in the first section.

Stay tuned.

giovedì 1 gennaio 2015

Year 2015

The end of a year generally is time of balances and this 2014 was a year that i will remember surely for many time.
Many events happened in this year, some good and other no so good, two events over all : the disease of my mother discovered in May and the end of the international interconnection project in Argentina, really it was an hard year.

But to check the fixed objectives for 2014 :

Improve my English Level                                            : So and so (Improve my level with Duolingo actually i am at 14 level)
Improve my Chess Level                                             : Failed (Few games and worse level)
Improve my incomes                                                   : Failed (Too many expenses)   
Be a better Christian                                                    : So and so
Learn Android or a mobile languages (QT, jme, ...)         : Failed (just starting in December with libgdx)
Write more posts on this blog                                       : Failed  

No objective reached, really a disaster, but I think in  2015, new objectives will be :
  1. Improve my English Level  
    • Improve listening comprehension    
  2. Improve my Chess Level
    • Actually my scores are :
  3. Improve my incomes        
  4. Be a better Christian        
  5. Create one or two mobile applications
  6. Write more posts on this blog
  7. Stay Fit 
    • Reaming under 80 kilograms
    • More Continuity
  8. Run more than 2014

I hope reach three or four of these objectives during 2015.

Stay tuned.

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...