lunedì 21 settembre 2015

Good things and Bad things

Hi all

There are good periods and bad periods in a life of a human. Many periods are worst than others and others are better than others. Life is just it.

This period in my life is a bad period, but it is not useful crying or complaining.
Yesterday i was thinking that there are many good things in my life and when i am focusing about them, bad things not appeared so bad.

So, the answer at bad moments is simple, you must focus on good things.

Take a sheet, divide it in two parts, in the left part, write good things and in the right part write bad things.

Probably good things are more than of the bad things as for me, or not. But the secret to change your life is thinking on the left side's things in the sheet. If you think too much time in right side, you will forget left side and so you will forget the good things that are in your life.

It is like the cherokee legend about two wolves. You only can decide what things are really important in your life.

Stay tuned.

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