lunedì 31 dicembre 2018

Year 2019 - Objectives 2018

Hi all

Here my 2018 objectives and results (very bad results)

1. Improve My English Level

Improve listening comprehension SO AND SO
See a film in English                     NO
Read a book in English                 REACHED (Phoenix Project)
Duolingo every day                       REACHED

2. Improve my Chess Level

Matches                                         NO
Win one or more tournament        NO

3. Improve my incomes

Investments                                  NO
Saving (Bar)                                 NO

4. Be a better Christian

More church activities                  SO AND SO

5. Deploy one or more application in Google Play          NO       

6. Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)                 NO (7 posts)

7. Stay Fit                                                                         NO 

Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually my weight is 86 Kg)    NO
Home fit (abdominals, ...)                                                               SO AND SO
Jogging activities                                                                            NO

8. Almost 4 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....)                                      NO ( 0 COURSES)

Stay tuned.

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 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...