sabato 19 gennaio 2019

10 Biblical Warnings You Need to Stop Ignoring

Hi All

In this article there are 10 Biblical Warnings very important for our believers.

10 Biblical Warnings You Need to Stop Ignoring 

I resume only the titles, but it's very important read this article.

1. Never Be Lazy
2. Avoid Sexual Temptation
3. Repent of Your Sins
4. End Unkind Speech
5. Run from Youthful Lusts
6. Renounce Ungodliness
7. Quit Stealing
8. Resist the Devil
9. Fear the Lord
10. Humble Yourself Before God

Stay tuned.

Saddest 2019's new

Hi All

This year starts with one of the most sad news I had never read.

Italian site Link

The story of a Mali Teenager drowned in the Mediterranean Sea with a school report sewn in his clothes. A story of deep desperation, generally in the clothes, immigrants hide his most values treasures to avoid someone from stealing them.
In this case most value thing of this poor Mali Teenager was his school report. Something that would allow him to have access to a better life.
But his dreams and hopes now are in the bottom of the sea.

Stay connected.

martedì 1 gennaio 2019

Objectives 2019

Hi all

New year and new objectives, here my 2019 objectives, more than 2018's :

1. Improve My English Level
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • See a film in English
  • Read a book in English
  • Duolingo and Memrise every day

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2018
  • Win one or more tournament

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments
  • Saving (Bar)
  • Less outcoming of 2018

4. Be a better Christian
  • More church activities
  • Read the bible daily

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application in Google Play
  • Release Fionda in github
  • Release more free library (C, javascript, ...)

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually my weight is 86 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...)
  • Jogging activities

8. Courses

  • 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....)
9. Book
  • Release at least one book in wattpad

Stay tuned.

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...