lunedì 12 luglio 2021

My extensions for Visual Studio Code

 Hi all

In my opinion Visual Studio Code is actually one of the best free editor.  

This editor developed by Microsoft have many extensions and it is light and fast, I am using it daily for work and personal development.

Actually I am coding in Java, Javascript, CSS, HTML, awk, C, C++, PLSQL, SQL, and Python.

While I write this post my current Visual Studio Code version is 1.58.0 and my favorite extensions are :

  • VIM : Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code

        I am a Vi lover so I need this extension to improve the editor with vi                      powerful commands.


        This is one of the best sftp extensions presents in Marketplace, very useful,             permits to configure more remote connection by JSON file.

  • BEAUTY by yhpnora

        This extension permits to beautify code and actually supports javascript, 
        css, python, html, ...    


  • DIFF TOOL by Jinsihou

        This useful extension permits to compare two files, is one of the best                       extension of this type on marketplace.

 These four extensions are for me very necessary to develop my work and              recommend use them to everyone.

Stay tuned.


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