giovedì 17 marzo 2022

Generate Random Data for Testing

Hi all

During my last work project, I need to create a large amount of data for test.

Searching on internet a tool to create random testing data I found some tools, in particular one over all catch my attention.

It's name is Mockaroo, an online tools permits to create a large number of output format (JSON, SQL, CSV, ...).

Interface is very intuitive and using formulas and predefined datas it's possible create a very large set of random data.

Unfortunately in free version is possible only create a maximum of  1000 records for output, anyway more than enough for my test.

I recommend to try this tool.

Stay tuned. 


martedì 8 marzo 2022

Three ways to get error message/stack in PL/SQL

Hi All

Today I speak about how manage errors in PLSQL.

This link speaks about three ways to manage errors in PLSQL, it's very clear and complete.

Basically, exists three forms to manage it :

  • UTL_CALL_STACK API (From Oracle 12c version)
I invite you to read the link for more details.

Stay tuned.

Goals 2025

 Hi all Today, first day of 2025 my goals for this year : 1. ENGLISH Improve listening comprehension  See at least one or two films in Engli...