lunedì 2 gennaio 2023

Objectives 2023

Hi all

First day of 2023 and blog about current year objectives :

1. Improve My English Level
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • See at least one or two films in English
  • Read at least a book in English
  • Duolingo every day, return and remain in diamond league
  • Using Cake App daily

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2022
  • Improve my level  Actually is :

Rapid : 1055
Diaries (Giornalieri) : 1290
Problems : 1630
V/N/S : 227/7/219 (Giornalieri)
V/N/S : 309/19/322 (Rapid)

  • Win one or more tournament

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments
  • Saving
  • Less expenses than 2022 
  • Another work 

4. Be a better Christian
  • Work for my Church
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people

5. Development
  • Deploy one or more application on Google Play (Lineadd and/or CrashP)
  • Release at least 10 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o23 are 53 repositories) 

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually 1st January 2o23 my weight is 81,3 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...)
  • Jogging activities
  • More than 3 Trekking activities

8. Courses

  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (React)
  • Course Flatter / Dart

Stay tuned.

domenica 1 gennaio 2023

Year 2023 - Objectives 2022 Balance Time


Hi all

First day 2023 = Time of balance. 

Below my 2022 objectives.

1. Improve My English Level
  • Improve listening comprehension (Little improvements)
  • See at least a film in English (Start to see Del Toro's Pinocchio never ended)
  • Read at least a book in English (No at all)
  • Duolingo every day, return and remain in diamond league (So and So, my strike in Duolingo is about 1980 days, but i am in Ossiadiana League)

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2022 (Yes)
  • Improve my level  Actually is : (Yes)

Diaries (Giornalieri) : 1150
Problems : 1437
V/S/N : 119/119/12


Diaries (Giornalieri) : 1290
Problems : 1630
V/N/S : 227/7/219 (Giornalieri)
V/N/S : 309/19/322 (Rapid)

  • Win one or more tournament (Yes I win one Tournament)

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments (No)
  • Saving (No)
  • Less expenses than 2021 (No)
  • Another work (No)

4. Be a better Christian
  • Same church activities (Timoteo, Banco Alimentare, Uscieri, Timoniere) (Change of Church)
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion (So and So no daily but many plans done)
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people (No)

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application on Google Play (Lineadd and/or CrashP) (No)
  • Release at least 5 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o22 are 27 repositories) (Yes actually there are 53 repositories)

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more) (No this year I wrote 4 post vs 8 in 2021)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 77 kilograms (Actually 1st January 2o21 my weight is 77,1 Kg) (No actually my weight is 81,3 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...) (So and So)
  • Jogging activities (No)
  • More than 3 Trekking activities (No only 2 in this year)

8. Courses

  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....) (Yes just 3 courses)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (Express or Angular) (Yes done)
  • Course Flatter / Dart (No only started)

Really a very bad year, best area is chess and worst areas are Fitness and Improve my incomes. :-(

Stay tuned.

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...