lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Arithmetic calculation on real numbers in Ksh Script

Today a simple program to execute arithmetic calculation with ksh script :

echo "Enter the Price of the item \$ \c"
read price
echo "What Percentage of discount is available \c"
read per
echo "Your Total Savings are \c"
sav=`echo "scale=3\n(($price * $per) / 100)" | bc -l`
echo $sav

Is important see this command :

sav=`echo "scale=3\n(($price * $per) / 100)" | bc -l`

With "scale=3" we are fixing number of decimals to print.
With "bc -l" we are calculating with unix command bc the discout applied, with
($price * $per) / 100.

Stay tuned.

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