lunedì 29 aprile 2013

How check if a unix script was killed

Hi all

Today a simple mode to check if a process was killed.

It is adding at the end of your script these two rows :

echo  "exit code of my program is " $exitvalue

When script ends it'll show his exit code.
For example if it was killed (kill -9) appears this message :

exit code of my program is  137

The exit code 137  is 128 + 9 so process ended for a "kill -9" command.

This is a table of HPUX Signal :

       Signal  Value    Action   Comment
       SIGHUP     1             Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
             or death of controlling process
       SIGINT     2              Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGQUIT     3              Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGILL     4              Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGABRT     6              Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGFPE     8              Core    Floating point exception
       SIGKILL     9              Term    Kill signal
       SIGSEGV    11     Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGPIPE    13     Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
       SIGALRM    14     Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGTERM    15     Term    Termination signal

Stay Tuned.

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