mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020


Covid or no covid this is the problem. 

A strange year is going to finish. From March I am in SmartWorking, my Argentinean project also is going to finish, after 16 years probably this his the last year.

An important chapter of my working life will be close.

Reasons ? Probably first reason is COVID that caused an important economic problem in all fields. The second reason is a decline in telecommunications revenues, specially voice and sms wholesale business.

But here is the first responsible, Mr. Covid : 

A little virus with a great power. It has generated fear, terror, anxiety but over all it has changed our life style in all areas : work, school, human relation, shopping, holidays, etc....

I don't know if it is true or not, if it exists or not, there are many blogs and conspiracies about it, I don't care about them.

But one thing is sure "Covid has given a boost to technological innovation" improved smart working where possible, a new way to work, to interact and to live.

Stay tuned.


mercoledì 1 gennaio 2020


Hi all

Today I want to speak about a great resource to improve programming skills.


I discovered it some years ago. But recently at end of 2019 I reinstall it on my phone.
The mobile app it very improved compared to when I know it.
There are more features and languages.

Actually I am using it to improve my frontend development skill, with languages like javascript, html, css, ... .

With SoloLearn i am using also MIM0 another learning programming app.

I prefer SoloLearn because include more languages not only web based and you can use it on a laptop instead use it on a mobile phone.

So I recommend this one.

Stay Tuned. 

Objectives 2020

Hi all

New year 2020 and new objectives :

1. Improve My English Level
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • See at least a film in English
  • Read at least a book in English
  • Duolingo every day, reaching 1000 days and remain in diamond league

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2018
  • Win one or more tournament

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments
  • Saving (Bar)
  • Less outcoming of 2018
  • Another work 

4. Be a better Christian
  • More church activities
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people
  • Became a contributor to MyVersion Project

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application in Google Play
  • Release at least one project on github

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 80 kilograms (Actually my weight is 86,85 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...)
  • Jogging activities
  • More than 3 Trekking activities

8. Courses

  • 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, Mimo....)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (javascript, html5, css, some javascript library,...)

9. Book
  • Release at least one book in wattpad

Stay tuned.

Year 2020 - Objectives 2019 - Balance Time

Hi All

It's balance time.

Below my 2019 objectives :

1. Improve My English Level (No)
  • Improve listening comprehension   (Little improvements)
  • See a film in English (No)
  • Read a book in English (No)
  • Duolingo and Memrise every day (Yes) 

2. Improve my Chess Level (No)
  • More Matches than 2018 (No)
  • Win one or more tournament (No)

3. Improve my incomes (No)
  • Investments (No)
  • Saving (Bar) (No)
  • Less outcoming of 2018 (Yes) 

4. Be a better Christian (Yes) 
  • More church activities (Yes) 
  • Read the bible daily (Yes) 

5. Development (No)
  • Deploy one or more application in Google Play  (No)
  • Release Fionda in github (No)
  • Release more free library (C, javascript, ...) (No)

6. Blog (No)

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)  (No, only 3) 

7. Fitness (No)

  • Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually my weight is 86 Kg) (Actually 1/1/20 is 86,85Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...) (So and So)
  • Jogging activities (No)

8. Courses (No)
  • 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....) (No)
9. Book (So and So)
  • Release at least one book in wattpad (Just a part of a book)

A very bad balance. So I hope next year will be better than this.

Stay tuned. 

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...