venerdì 1 gennaio 2021

Objectives 2021

 Hi all

New year 2021 and new objectives, basically same of last years :

1. Improve My English Level
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • See at least a film in English
  • Read at least a book in English
  • Duolingo every day, reaching 1500 days and remain in diamond league

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2020 
  • Win one or more tournament

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments
  • Saving
  • Less expenses than 2018
  • Another work 

4. Be a better Christian
  • More church activities
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application in Google Play (Lineadd and/or CrashP)
  • Release at least 5 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o21 are 24 repositories) 

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 80 kilograms (Actually 1st January 2o21 my weight is 86,85 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...)
  • Jogging activities
  • More than 3 Trekking activities

8. Courses

  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (Node.js or Angular)

9. Book
  • Release at least one book in wattpad

Stay tuned.

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