sabato 1 gennaio 2022

Year 2022 - Objectives 2021 Balance Time


Hi All

Before all, 2021 was another year with pandemy COVID virus.

Today first day of 2022 it's balance time, below my 2021 objectives.

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension (Little improvements)
  • See at least a film in English (No)
  • Read at least a book in English (No)
  • Duolingo every day, reaching 1500 days and remain in diamond league (Yes) I finish 2021 with 1623 (Yes)

2. Improve my Chess Level
  • More Matches than 2020 (So and So, more matches but also more defeats)
  • Win one or more tournament (No)

3. Improve my incomes
  • Investments (No)
  • Saving (No)
  • Less expenses than 2020 (Yes)
  • Another work (No)

4. Be a better Christian
  • More church activities (Yes - Timoteo School)
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion (Yes - I read all Bible and 20 plans completled)
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people (So and So)

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application in Google Play (Lineadd and/or CrashP) (No)
  • Release at least 5 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o21 are 24 repositories) (So and So released only 3 repositories more)

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more) (No only 8 posts)

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 80 kilograms (Actually 1st January 2o22 my weight is 77,1 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...) (Yes)
  • Jogging activities (No)
  • More than 3 Trekking activities (Only 1)

8. Courses

  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....) (Yes)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (Node.js or Angular) (Yes Node)

9. Book
  • Release at least one book in wattpad (No)

The 2021 balance was :

OK 8 over 23 : 34,8%

KO 11 over 23 :  47,8%

SO AND SO 4 over 23 : 17,4%

It's not a very good result but better than 2021.

My best 2021 areas were : "Be a better Christian" 2 over 3, "Courses" 2 over 2 reached and Fitness Area 2 over 4 (most important my weight)

Stay tuned.

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