lunedì 4 gennaio 2016

Year 2016

Another year is finished. An hard year with many events , the death of my mother over all.
I'll remember this year, 2015 always or better, during my life long, like a bad year, my work, my mother and  many another bad stuff. But I'll remember this year too, because it was an year of growing.

We go to check my 2015 objectives  :

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension    So and So (Just a little)

      2. Improve my Chess Level
  •             My score in 2016 are : So and So / Failed
  •       Only Live Chess is improved from 900 to 967. No tournament played.

1     3. Improve my incomes        Failed
       4. Be a better Christian         Failed
       5. Create one or two mobile applications Failed
       6. Write more posts on this blog   OK (6 posts in 2015 one more than 2014)
       7. Stay Fit
·         Reaming under 80 kilograms    Failed (my weight is 81,5 Kg)
·         More Continuity                        Failed

       8. Run more than 2014                               Failed

A very bad year. Only 1 objective on 8.

My 2016 objectives are similar but there is one more (courses) :

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension

      2. Improve my Chess Level
  • One or more tournaments
      3. Improve my incomes
      4. Be a better Christian
      5. Study and deploy a mobile application
      6. Write more posts on this blog
      7. Stay Fit
·         Under 80 kilograms
·         Home fit (abdominals, ...) 

      8. Run more than 2015
      9. Almost 4 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....)

This year was a very bad year for my objectives too, i hope next year will be better.

Stay tuned.

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