domenica 24 gennaio 2016

My first mobile app in 2016

Hi all

This year i want do my first app on android, one of my year's objectives.
This is the year :-)
An app on android, uhmmm ...., ok but the first question is "What kind of app ?", a game, an educational app, an app for useful use, ....
Uhmmm ... ok a game, i have many ideas about it.
Second answer "A 3D game or a 2D game?", ok a 2D game more simple.
Third ansert "What library i must use to do it?".

Below there are some of the most used 2D library :

Commercial C++ frameworks:

  • Unity3D: very good (available on Android, iOS, Web, Windows, OS X) [Game: Rocket Bunnies]
  • Unreal Engine (commercial): the best engine but not for beginners [Game: Dungeon Defenders]

Open Source C++ frameworks:

  • Ogre3D: the best open source 3d engine but it is a large framework
  • Irrlicht: good performance, light framework [Game: Moblox]
  • Linderdaum Engine: open source for Windows and Android
  • Cocos2d-x: open source cross platform

Java Open Source Frameworks:

  • LibGDX : Open Source, Very Popular, Supports multiple platforms, Support for Tiled, Box2D and other, Good Documentation
  • AndEngine (Open Source): good performance. For documentation, look examples and read source code; but it is the Free library to begin a game project [Game: Drop Block]
  • cocos2d for Android: Garbage Collector problem
  • SDL is not a good idea because it is designed for framebuffer access.
  • rokon: good performance and designed for mobile but project seems dead.

Physics Engine:

  • box2d (OpenSource): fast and easy
  • jbox2d (OpenSource): so slow on Java that I made a JNI wrapper with SWIG to use native box2d (AndEngine does the same)
  • chipmunk (OpenSource): fast but I prefer box2d
  • bullet (OpenSource): excellent 3D engine

After a "deep" analysis my choice was "libGDX". "Why this library ?", for these three reasons :

  1. Because it is in JAVA (I know this language)
  2. Because it is multiplatform 
  3. Because it has a good documentation 

Actually i am doing a course on "UDACITY" learning site, named "2D Game Development with LibGDX". I hope that it helps me :-).

Stay tuned.

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