sabato 14 gennaio 2017

A failure announced

Hi all

Today I want speak about new Nintendo Console. After the failure of the sale of the Wii U, Nintendo try again with another one.
Like Wii U, this console permits two use, home and portable.

Nintendo Switch is the name of this console, I think that this name is due to this double use. In portable use, it is like a tablet with a screen of 6.2 inches and a resolution of 720p. At the screen tablet you can add the two controls used in home use.

In this link there is a good review.

In my opinion this new console will be a sure failure for these six reasons :

1) This console isn't backward compatible with Wii U and Nintendo DS.
2) This double nature (portable and home) was a failure in Wii U.
3) The design is retro and the colors aren't attractive (but this is my personal opinion) grey is horrible color.
4) The price of 329 Euro it's too expensive in comparison with PS4 and XBOX.
5) Nothing innovative.
6) 3 March is a wrong date of announcement and sale, just after Christmas time.

Stay tuned.

venerdì 6 gennaio 2017

The 2017's second post

Hi All

The second post of this 2017. Many changes will came : a new USA president, many changes in my work and a little hope to change mine.

But first all, this new USA President, TRUMP, what about him? The world is really worried. Many people think that he is like a new Berlusconi but with a large audience and power. Really I haven't an opinion about him, Obama was one of the biggest disappointments in the history. Really I think that Trump will be another anonymous president a little bit more folkloric nothing more. Probably he will not end its mandate if he does something against the interests of lobbies or somethings strange, someone speaks about not much more two years of presidency, we will see.

Another item of this new year, is my actually work, many changes will come and not all goods. Actually Vivendi controls TIM but some rumors speak about a possible sale to ORANGE (ex Telecom France). If it's true another big changes will come. We will wait for it.

My new job, I hope and pray about this. Finally I hope that 2017 will be the year of my personal change to improve my work life and my life in general.

So we go into this new year.

Stay tuned.

domenica 1 gennaio 2017

Year 2017

Hi all

A new year is started, time of balance.
This year was a disaster about my objectives, really. All failed, see results :

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension   So and So

      2. Improve my Chess Level
  • One or more tournaments Failed
      3. Improve my incomes Failed
      4. Be a better Christian Failed
      5. Study and deploy a mobile application Failed
      6. Write more posts on this blog Failed
      7. Stay Fit
·         Under 80 kilograms Failed (Actually I weigh 82,6 Kg)
·         Home fit (abdominals, ...)  Failed 

      8. Run more than 2015 Failed 
      9. Almost 4 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....) Failed 

I hope next year will be better, worts is impossible :-).
For 2017 same 2016's objectives 

Stay tuned.

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...