domenica 1 gennaio 2017

Year 2017

Hi all

A new year is started, time of balance.
This year was a disaster about my objectives, really. All failed, see results :

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension   So and So

      2. Improve my Chess Level
  • One or more tournaments Failed
      3. Improve my incomes Failed
      4. Be a better Christian Failed
      5. Study and deploy a mobile application Failed
      6. Write more posts on this blog Failed
      7. Stay Fit
·         Under 80 kilograms Failed (Actually I weigh 82,6 Kg)
·         Home fit (abdominals, ...)  Failed 

      8. Run more than 2015 Failed 
      9. Almost 4 courses (Coursera, EDX, ....) Failed 

I hope next year will be better, worts is impossible :-).
For 2017 same 2016's objectives 

Stay tuned.

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