venerdì 12 gennaio 2024

Check Points 2024

Hi all

This year I want implement a more efficient system to follow my goals. I want introduce checkpoints every two or three months. 

In this way I can have a complete view about my goals to reach or reached and take correct actions to improve them.

This year I want reach as many as possible goals.

This is the year :-). I'm getting old. 


martedì 2 gennaio 2024

Goals 2024

 Hi all

January 2024 and blog about current year objectives divided in Areas :

  • Improve listening comprehension
  • See at least one or two films in English
  • Read at least a book in English
  • Duolingo every day (reach 2500 days)
  • Duolingo return and remain in diamond league

  • More Matches than 2023
  • Improve my level  Actually is :

Rapid : 1019 
Diaries (Giornalieri) : 1229
Problems : 1799 
V/N/S : 232/7/230 (Giornalieri)
V/N/S : 352/21/363(Rapid)

  • Win one or more tournament

  • Investments
  • Saving
  • Less expenses than 2023
  • Another work or fix incomes

  • Work for my Church
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people specially friends.

  • Deploy one or more application on Google Play 
  • Release at least 10 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o24 are 63 repositories) 


  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more)
  • Improve my Social rank and followers (Instagram actually 160, Reddit 6339 Karma, Threads 18)


  • Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually 2st January 2o24 my weight is 82,2 Kg)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...)
  • Jogging activities
  • More than 3 Trekking activities
  • Improve my Padel level
  • At least 6 Padel matches


  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....)
  • Improve my frontend knowledge (JAVA, Springs, Maven)
  • Read and study bible

I hope that this year will be better than the previous one, also because worse is difficult :-).

Stay tuned.

Year 2024 - Objectives 2023 Balance Time

Hi all

Second day 2024 = Time of balance. 

Below my 2023 objectives.

1. Improve My English Level

  • Improve listening comprehension (So and So)
  • See at least one or two films in English 
  • Read at least a book in English (No)
  • Duolingo every day, return and remain in diamond league (So and So)
  • Using Cake App daily (No used only few times)

2. Improve my Chess Level

  • More Matches than 2022 (No)
  • Improve my level  Actually is : (No only problems are positive)

Rapid : 1019 (-36)
Diaries (Giornalieri) : 1229 (-61)
Problems : 1799 (+169)
V/N/S : 232/7/230 (Giornalieri)
V/N/S : 352/21/363(Rapid)

  • Win one or more tournament (No one)

3. Improve my incomes

  • Investments (No)
  • Saving (No)
  • Less expenses than 2022 (No more than ever)
  • Another work (No)

4. Be a better Christian

  • Work for my Church (Yes)
  • Read the bible daily, at least 12 plans on MyVersion (Yes first time 365 days on bible and 140 days on daily rest)
  • Speaks more about Christ to another people (Not enough)

5. Development

  • Deploy one or more application on Google Play (Lineadd and/or CrashP) (Almost circubik)
  • Release at least 10 new repositories on github (actually 1st January 2o24 are 63 repositories) just 10 new repositories.

6. Blog

  • Write more posts on this blog (12 or more) No, only 5

7. Fitness

  • Under or equal to 78 kilograms (Actually 1st January 2o23 my weight is 81,3 Kg) No today 2/1/2024 my weight is 82,2 Kg very bad)
  • Home fit (abdominal, ...) Only first six months of 2023
  • Jogging activities (No)
  • More than 3 Trekking activities (No, just one in Trentino)

8. Courses

  • At least 3 courses (Coursera, EDX, SoloLearn, HacherRank....) (Just 2 on flutter)
  • Improve my Frontend Knowledge (React) (Yes with ContaClara Project)
  • Course Flatter / Dart Yes

I actually think it's one of the worst years, great frustration. Best area was Church area and worstes were Fitness, Chess, Finance. Really really bad year.

Stay tuned.

Check first quarter 2024

 Hi all Today, 1st May I'll check my 2024 goals. This is the first time I check it. For me it's a good way to reach more objective p...