giovedì 6 maggio 2010

Primer Mundo (First World)

With this term, some south American Countries indicate Europe , Usa or countries with a better Life Level. But when I see in my Country Italy : political Corruption Level, racism, unemployment,…. I have some dudes about what is really First World.
I live in a Country famous in the world for his food, his beautiful historical monuments and women, and for oldest criminal association called Mafia and now also for his extravagant First Minister Berlusconi.
Last one is a typical Italian Man: crafty, profiteer and Latin lover, but more is owner of Banks, Televisions, newspapers, insurance company, …. In a very democratic and advanced country, that I have in my mind this not possible.
Italy is a racist country and this is demonstrates by growing intolerance cases, and for a great emigration country like Italy it’s not acceptable.
More actually is in a strong cultural decline with strong federalist currents and I don’t see a good future for my country.
So somebody can say me what are differences between Italy and so called Second World or Third World Countries ? because I just can’t see any difference.
To the next Post.

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