Hi all
Today a little big problem.
Every time that i copy and past every thing on vim session i have an indentation problem, for example :
1) I want copy this :
2) After a copy result is this :
Solution ?????
A simple "set paste" can resolve this hateful problem.
Stay tuned.
This blog was created to improve my English and share news, thoughts and opinions about the world around me. I use it also to fix some technical solutions for future use.
sabato 10 agosto 2013
lunedì 24 giugno 2013
Sorting a file with pipe-delimited fields using unix sort
Hi All
Today a simple command to sort a file with pipe-delimited fields.
My file is :
Today a simple command to sort a file with pipe-delimited fields.
My file is :
To sort all records by third field.
I can use these simple command :
sort -t"|" -k 3 [file_name]
Where -t is an option where u can explain field separator and with -k you can explain third field.
Stay tuned.
venerdì 21 giugno 2013
Women in computer science
Hi all
Today a beautiful article about women in science :
In a field dominated by men there are and there were many women without which the computer science would not be the same.
Bottom a beautiful picture about :
Here some wikipedia's links about these great science women :
Ada Lovelace
Hedy Lamarr
Grace Hopper
Stay tuned.
Today a beautiful article about women in science :
In a field dominated by men there are and there were many women without which the computer science would not be the same.
Bottom a beautiful picture about :

Here some wikipedia's links about these great science women :
Ada Lovelace
Hedy Lamarr
Grace Hopper
Stay tuned.
lunedì 13 maggio 2013
Hierarchical data in a relational database
Hi All
Today an interesting article about how represents hierarchical data in a relational database.
Every node must have a node identify and a "Child of" identify. So the key of every object is formed by two keys :
For example (represents image above) :
Stay tuned.
Today an interesting article about how represents hierarchical data in a relational database.
Interesting this concept : |
Every node must have a node identify and a "Child of" identify. So the key of every object is formed by two keys :
For example (represents image above) :
| |
Stay tuned.
giovedì 9 maggio 2013
How To Identify If a Port Is Listening on a Unix Server
Hi all
To see if a port is listening on a Unix Server command is :
netstat -an | grep port number | grep LISTEN
To see what process is using a port the command is :
lsof -i tcp:port number
Here a simple perl programm to open a port and check a connection from a client web :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
$PORT = 8080;
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $PORT,
Listen => 5,
Reuse => 1) or die "can't setup server" unless $server;
printf("\nSERVER Waiting for client connection on port $PORT");
while ($client = $server->accept()) {
printf("\nClient Connected\n");
print $client "
close $client;
Stay tuned
lunedì 29 aprile 2013
How check if a unix script was killed
Hi all
Today a simple mode to check if a process was killed.
It is adding at the end of your script these two rows :
echo "exit code of my program is " $exitvalue
When script ends it'll show his exit code.
For example if it was killed (kill -9) appears this message :
exit code of my program is 137
The exit code 137 is 128 + 9 so process ended for a "kill -9" command.
This is a table of HPUX Signal :
Signal Value Action Comment
SIGHUP 1 Term Hangup detected on controlling terminal
or death of controlling process
SIGINT 2 Term Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT 3 Core Quit from keyboard
SIGILL 4 Core Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT 6 Core Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE 8 Core Floating point exception
SIGKILL 9 Term Kill signal
SIGSEGV 11 Core Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE 13 Term Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
SIGALRM 14 Term Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM 15 Term Termination signal
Stay Tuned.
Today a simple mode to check if a process was killed.
It is adding at the end of your script these two rows :
echo "exit code of my program is " $exitvalue
When script ends it'll show his exit code.
For example if it was killed (kill -9) appears this message :
exit code of my program is 137
The exit code 137 is 128 + 9 so process ended for a "kill -9" command.
This is a table of HPUX Signal :
Signal Value Action Comment
SIGHUP 1 Term Hangup detected on controlling terminal
or death of controlling process
SIGINT 2 Term Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT 3 Core Quit from keyboard
SIGILL 4 Core Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT 6 Core Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE 8 Core Floating point exception
SIGKILL 9 Term Kill signal
SIGSEGV 11 Core Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE 13 Term Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
SIGALRM 14 Term Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM 15 Term Termination signal
Stay Tuned.
martedì 9 aprile 2013
venerdì 5 aprile 2013
Regular Expression Library Site
I want report today the site http://regexlib.com/ about "Regular Expression".
A very good source of more than 3500 regular expression from thousand contributors.
Site presents a good search engine and is well done.
So to enjoy regex.
Stay Tuned.
I want report today the site http://regexlib.com/ about "Regular Expression".
A very good source of more than 3500 regular expression from thousand contributors.
Site presents a good search engine and is well done.
So to enjoy regex.
Stay Tuned.
martedì 2 aprile 2013
Oracle Nested Table - Create, Insert and Select
Hi all
Today i want to speak about oracle nested table.
Basically you can define in oracle a field that is a table inserted in other table. In Oracle system tables there are two tables used to manage this particular type of columns :
Now an example to test it.
1) Creation a Type :
2) Creation Table :
Today i want to speak about oracle nested table.
Basically you can define in oracle a field that is a table inserted in other table. In Oracle system tables there are two tables used to manage this particular type of columns :
- USER_NESTED_TABLES : Nested Table List
- USER_NESTED_TABLE_COLS : Nested Table List Columns
Now an example to test it.
1) Creation a Type :
2) Creation Table :
3) Inserting values in table :
INSERT INTO nested_table VALUES (1, valuelist('Red'));
INSERT INTO nested_table VALUES (2, valuelist('White', 'Brown'));
INSERT INTO nested_table VALUES (3, valuelist('Blue', 'Orange','Yellow'));
4) Select values :
SELECT id, COLUMN_VALUE FROM nested_table t1, TABLE(t1.field1) t2;
5) Result :
1 Red
2 White
2 Brown
3 Blue
3 Orange
3 Yellow
In select statement you must reference a pseudo-column called "COLUMN_VALUE". To select values from a nested table, always you must explain mother table too.
Stay tuned.
sabato 30 marzo 2013
Easter egg
Hi all
Today i want speak about "Easter egg".
In Information Technology, "Easter eggs are secret responses that occur in response to an undocumented set of commands." how is correct defined in Wikipedia.
Basically an "Easter egg" is a programmer's signature, a way to be recognized.
Here some internet examples :
You Tube : Try to write "do the harlem shake" in the search bar and find it.
http://theoatmeal.com/ : Try to see source html code
http://www.entercomputers.com/ : Visit this website and type 'penguin' on the hompage. Note animated penguin. Then wait for something else to happen.
http://www.miniusa.com : Type ‘reverse’ in the search field and then hold down Shift and click on the gear lever.
There are many internet sites about, for example here.
Stay tuned.
Today i want speak about "Easter egg".
In Information Technology, "Easter eggs are secret responses that occur in response to an undocumented set of commands." how is correct defined in Wikipedia.
Basically an "Easter egg" is a programmer's signature, a way to be recognized.
Here some internet examples :
You Tube : Try to write "do the harlem shake" in the search bar and find it.
http://theoatmeal.com/ : Try to see source html code
http://www.entercomputers.com/ : Visit this website and type 'penguin' on the hompage. Note animated penguin. Then wait for something else to happen.
http://www.miniusa.com : Type ‘reverse’ in the search field and then hold down Shift and click on the gear lever.
There are many internet sites about, for example here.
Stay tuned.
giovedì 28 marzo 2013
cron4j - Java cron scheduler like unix/linux cron utility
Hi all
Today i want to speak about an open source java library called "cron4j".
It's an Italian open source project, that allows scheduled tasks using a cron-like syntax in java.
There is a good manual here that explains how to implement it with examples.
Here is a little explanation of unix/linux cron utility.
Stay tuned
Today i want to speak about an open source java library called "cron4j".
It's an Italian open source project, that allows scheduled tasks using a cron-like syntax in java.
There is a good manual here that explains how to implement it with examples.
Here is a little explanation of unix/linux cron utility.
Stay tuned
mercoledì 27 marzo 2013
Regular Expression
Hi all
Today i want speak about "Regular Expression".
As well described on Wikipedia : "In computing, a regular expression is a specific pattern that provides concise and flexible means to "match" (specify and recognize) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters."
A good reference site for "Regular Expression" is http://www.regular-expressions.info/, there are presents examples, references, books, etc ....
Behind my desk I posted this Quick Guide really useful, above posted :
To test my regular expression i use a good web site : http://tools.netshiftmedia.com/regexlibrary/#, is a javascript regular expression validator that permits insert two test strings.
Regular expression are been inserted in Oracle Database from 10th version with four functions :
It's all.
Stay tuned.
Today i want speak about "Regular Expression".
As well described on Wikipedia : "In computing, a regular expression is a specific pattern that provides concise and flexible means to "match" (specify and recognize) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters."
A good reference site for "Regular Expression" is http://www.regular-expressions.info/, there are presents examples, references, books, etc ....
Behind my desk I posted this Quick Guide really useful, above posted :
To test my regular expression i use a good web site : http://tools.netshiftmedia.com/regexlibrary/#, is a javascript regular expression validator that permits insert two test strings.
Regular expression are been inserted in Oracle Database from 10th version with four functions :
Here you can find more information about.
It's all.
Stay tuned.
martedì 26 marzo 2013
Oracle OCI C - Wrapper OCILIB
Hi all
Today i want report a great open source project.
I've used and improved it for several years in many personal and professional processes.
For me is the best Oracle OCI C wrapper, easy to use and with a very good documentation.
I test it on several environment : HP/UX PaRisc, Itanium, Linux, Windows XP,7 and with differents ORACLE DB versions : 9,10,11.
I recommend it, you can find it in this link.
Stay tuned
Today i want report a great open source project.
I've used and improved it for several years in many personal and professional processes.
For me is the best Oracle OCI C wrapper, easy to use and with a very good documentation.
I test it on several environment : HP/UX PaRisc, Itanium, Linux, Windows XP,7 and with differents ORACLE DB versions : 9,10,11.
I recommend it, you can find it in this link.
Stay tuned
lunedì 25 marzo 2013
Open Source Blogging Platform
Hi all
Today i want speak about an Open Source Blogging Platform named Bloglooks used in my friend blog http://blog.casaricci.it/.
It is a very very light and minimal Platform built on the PHP framework Yii.
It use as backend any database supported by Yii .
For style is used Bootstrap.
Main functions :
* Multilingual (Also on articles and pages)
* Manual change language (Browser's default language)
* User privileges (User, editor, admin)
* Comments (Only by registered users; possibility of approvation by editor or admin)
* Integration with Google+ for pictures
* Markdown syntax
* RSS and Atom feeds
Stay tuned.
Today i want speak about an Open Source Blogging Platform named Bloglooks used in my friend blog http://blog.casaricci.it/.
It is a very very light and minimal Platform built on the PHP framework Yii.
It use as backend any database supported by Yii .
For style is used Bootstrap.
Main functions :
* Multilingual (Also on articles and pages)
* Manual change language (Browser's default language)
* User privileges (User, editor, admin)
* Comments (Only by registered users; possibility of approvation by editor or admin)
* Integration with Google+ for pictures
* Markdown syntax
* RSS and Atom feeds
Stay tuned.
sabato 23 marzo 2013
iStella - Italian Social Search Engine
Hi all
A good news for Italian Web world, a new "Italian Social Search Engine" has been created by Tiscali, an italian web provider.
Renato Soru, Tiscali owner say about iStella "We want to create a valid alternative to Google!!!".
Istella Layout is similar to Microsoft BING how you can see above :
Images used in iStella Layout are italian landscapes.
Here you can read a little italian tutorial about.
Basically why would you choose iStella and not Google?
I hope that iStella will really be a valid alternative to Google, unlike others unlucky italian projects such as Volunia.
Stay tuned.
A good news for Italian Web world, a new "Italian Social Search Engine" has been created by Tiscali, an italian web provider.
Renato Soru, Tiscali owner say about iStella "We want to create a valid alternative to Google!!!".
Istella Layout is similar to Microsoft BING how you can see above :
Images used in iStella Layout are italian landscapes.
Here you can read a little italian tutorial about.
Basically why would you choose iStella and not Google?
I hope that iStella will really be a valid alternative to Google, unlike others unlucky italian projects such as Volunia.
Stay tuned.
Mennea is dead
The best all time italian runners is dead.
His 200mt records was effective for 17 long years.
In the facts he was the last big white runner.
Below a beautiful tribute done for athletic children in Rome for his obsequies.

I don't knew him, but in every interviews he appears like a modest and simple person.
Bye great sportman,
Stay tuned.
His 200mt records was effective for 17 long years.
In the facts he was the last big white runner.
Below a beautiful tribute done for athletic children in Rome for his obsequies.

I don't knew him, but in every interviews he appears like a modest and simple person.
Bye great sportman,
Stay tuned.
venerdì 22 marzo 2013
WhatsApp Alternatives and Similar Software
Hi All
Recently WhatsApp messaging mobile application for smartphone declare that will be introduce a little annual payment for his service.
This news sparked a search for a valid alternative free.
From "La Repubblica" article i want underline some solutions :
Today i want report a valid alternative for ANDROID smartphone (for now), KONTALK.
It is an open source project with a great potential. It's present on Android Market.
The network infrastructure and protocol have been designed from scratch to be immune from any attempt to centralize the network. All servers inside the network will have the same power and capabilities over each other - the network will be able to maintain itself and make itself safe.
I invite you to test it on your smartphone devices.
Stay tuned.
Recently WhatsApp messaging mobile application for smartphone declare that will be introduce a little annual payment for his service.
This news sparked a search for a valid alternative free.
From "La Repubblica" article i want underline some solutions :
Today i want report a valid alternative for ANDROID smartphone (for now), KONTALK.
It is an open source project with a great potential. It's present on Android Market.
The network infrastructure and protocol have been designed from scratch to be immune from any attempt to centralize the network. All servers inside the network will have the same power and capabilities over each other - the network will be able to maintain itself and make itself safe.
I invite you to test it on your smartphone devices.
Stay tuned.
Oracle Function to get a specific field from a String contains fields characters delimited
Hi All
Today a simple function to extract a field from a String contains characters delimited fields.
I want use regexp_substr function but there are some problems for null fields to extract, so i develop this simple function.
get_field (iString IN VARCHAR2, iSeparator IN VARCHAR2, field_num IN NUMBER)
oField VARCHAR2(1024);
position_field NUMBER;
position_field_start NUMBER;
position_field_end NUMBER;
IF field_num = 1 THEN
position_field := INSTR(iString,iSeparator);
IF position_field > 0 THEN
SELECT SUBSTR(iString,1,INSTR(iString,iSeparator)-1) INTO oField FROM DUAL;
oField := iString;
position_field_start := INSTR(iString,iSeparator,1,field_num-1);
position_field_end := INSTR(iString,iSeparator,1,field_num);
IF position_field_start > 0 THEN
IF position_field_end = 0 THEN
position_field_end := length(iString)+1;
SELECT SUBSTR(iString,position_field_start+1,position_field_end-position_field_start-1) INTO oField FROM DUAL;
oField := null;
RETURN (oField);
For example you have this string '10;12;34;233;12' delimited by ';' character and you wont get third field.
You can call this oracle function in this way :
SELECT GET_FIELD('10;12;34;233;12',';',3) FROM DUAL;
Results will be : '34'.
I hope can help someone with same problem.
Stay tuned
martedì 22 gennaio 2013
An Idiot's Guide to C++
Today i want share a very good guide to C++ : An Idiot's Guide to C++.
In this guide, C + + concepts are explained very clearly, read it.
Stay tuned.
Today i want share a very good guide to C++ : An Idiot's Guide to C++.
In this guide, C + + concepts are explained very clearly, read it.
Stay tuned.
giovedì 3 gennaio 2013
Year 2013
Another year :-) 2013.
2013 started three day ago and it's time to cheack my 2012 objectiveSee :- Improve my English Level : Failed (It's one year ago level)
- Improve my Chess Level : OK (In 2012 i have win my first chess tournment)
- Improve my incomes : Failed
- Be a better Christian : So and so
- Learn at least two new programming languages : Failed (No new language learned)
One objective over 5 very very bad.
My new objectives for 2013 are (similar to 2012) :
- Improve my English Level
- Improve my Chess Level
- Improve my incomes
- Be a better Christian
- Learn Android or a mobile languages (QT, jme, ...)
- Write more posts on this blog
I hope that in January 2014 results will be better ;-)
Stay tuned.
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