giovedì 4 gennaio 2018

How will be this year ?

Hi all

Every year in January this is the most common question "How will be this year ?".
Another common question is "It will be a good year or a bad year?".

Really nobody knows the answers.

There are many events in progress in 2018 in the World and in Italy, for me most important are :
  • North Korea crisis 
  • March Italian Elections 
  • Crypto currencies
  • Brexit
North Korea crisis is a matter between two big child named Kim and Donald that are playing with the world destiny. We hope it's just  a game but sadly It'is not.
About Elections in Italy, really I haven't too much hopes. Italy is a decadent country tired about false political promises, probably the winner'll be M5S, the new party leaded by a comedian with good intentions but little political experience. 
About Crypto Currencies I think that this year will be the year of its definitely affirmation or most probably the end of the speculation. In any case something will happen about.
Last but not last, Brexit will continue in the 2018 with strong impacts in the European Community at any level, economic and politic.

So the only thing that remains is see events and hope.

Stay tuned.

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