This blog was created to improve my English and share news, thoughts and opinions about the world around me. I use it also to fix some technical solutions for future use.
lunedì 22 novembre 2010
mercoledì 17 novembre 2010
SP-552 oracle bind variable not declared
About this error we have lost many time. I hope this post can help someone.
My script sql is :
set verify off
set heading off
set linesize 400
spool RIL_388_OP_INS_AnagD4
COLUMN indGruppoiInG NEW_VALUE indGruppoiInG
E 'GIG%';
SELECT '@INFO AGGIUNTO GRUPPO IN ' || 'GIG' || lpad(to_char(&indGruppoiInG),4,'0') || ' IN CATEGORIA LA UNDELIVERED SERV >' || 'CATG0010' || '<' from dual; COLUMN indGruppoiInG NEW_VALUE indGruppoiInG SELECT max(substr(nome_elemento_associazione,4,4))+1 indGruppoiInG FROM SCTELEM_ASSOC WHERE TIPO_ASSOCIAZIONE = 'GRUPPI_IN' AND NOME_ELEMENTO_ASSOCIAZIONE LIK E 'GIG%'; SELECT '@INFO AGGIUNTO GRUPPO IN ' || 'GIG' || lpad(to_char(&indGruppoiInG),4,'0') || ' IN CATEGORIA LA UNDELIVERED SERV >' || 'CATG0010' || '<' from dual;
spool off
When we have executed this script alone it was OK. But when it was executed after another script, was showed this error :
SP-552 oracle bind variable "indGruppoiInG" not declared
After many controls we have discovered that a previously script seated "set define #", this command (see this link causes previously error.
Solution for this error was put at beginning my script sql, this command :
set define on
To avoid previously different define setting.
Stay tuned.
martedì 24 agosto 2010
Summer is ending !!!!
Only another week of this hot August and all starting again.
Real work is starting again.
Stay connected.
mercoledì 16 giugno 2010
What to say ?
Better watch the World Cup and think about your next vacation.
mercoledì 9 giugno 2010
Telecom Italia's Fate
But not 'the only problem for Telecom Italy.
In addition to the debt of almost 35 billion euros, the corporate structure is complex and is intertwined with the strategies of the member 'industrial' Telco, Spanish Telefonica.
So check Telco Telecom Italy, Telefonica controls Telco.
Both Telefonica, Telecom and Italy have substantial investments in South America. Telecom are the last remaining overseas investment.
In Argentina, the plot has caused no end of official documents.
Now is the time in Brazil, where Telecom subsidiary TIM Brasil, while Telefonica, along with a Portuguese operator, controls another mobile operator.
Telefonica now wants to 'get rid' of the Portuguese partner.
If the transaction from going through, Brazil would open antitrust problems, since two of the major mobile operators would refer to a person 'unique'.
Apart from this, one wonders: Telefonica, shareholder / competitor of Telecom Italy, that interest will solve the problems of Telecom?
Behind these industrial and financial scenarios, there are Italian users who are compelled to have the reference operator (Telecom 'ensure' universal service) an ailing companies, leveraged and further immobilized by the current corporate structure.
Stay connected.
venerdì 4 giugno 2010
A sad future
"In 2030 Italy poorer and older."
In that article many statistics supported that idea.
Only 20 years from now, not so much time left.
I actually think that Italy will be poorer in just 5 or 10 years, because today nobody is taking the necessary care to the economical and political situation to avoid this.
I already spoke in another post about Technological and Scientific state in Italy, explaining that new generations must go to other countries to work.
My company is the best example of a big company destroyed by Italian greed and lack of future vision; in only 13 years, since privatization they have destroyed a great heritage of one of the most important Telecommunication Company in the world.
giovedì 27 maggio 2010
Logo of British Petroil
Script PERL : Totals File in a Directory
martedì 25 maggio 2010
Italy :14.4 mln at risk of poverty
Based on a study on Global Rights 2010 of 'Associazione Società Informazione' :
In Italy 13,6 mln of workers gain under of 1300 euro per month and between these, 6,9 mln (60% women) gain under 1000 euro per month. More than 7,5 mln of pensioners gain under 1000 euro.
In 2009, 10% of occupies in under relative poverty level (Worse % in Europe with an average of 8%).
In six years, is underlined in the study, between 2002 and 2008, net family income has lost 1,599 euros each year among workers and 1,681 between employees.
Take your consideration of these data.
Stay Connected.
lunedì 24 maggio 2010
Stat command in Perl (Unix/Linux)
martedì 18 maggio 2010
CUBE and ROLLUP options in GROUP BY


giovedì 13 maggio 2010
What wants Telefonica really ?
After an analysis for me behind interest in VIVO really there is interest in eliminate TIM BRASIL from Brazilian Telecom Market or directly acquire total control of Telecom Italia.
lunedì 10 maggio 2010
What exactly is cloud computing?
giovedì 6 maggio 2010
Primer Mundo (First World)
I live in a Country famous in the world for his food, his beautiful historical monuments and women, and for oldest criminal association called Mafia and now also for his extravagant First Minister Berlusconi.
Last one is a typical Italian Man: crafty, profiteer and Latin lover, but more is owner of Banks, Televisions, newspapers, insurance company, …. In a very democratic and advanced country, that I have in my mind this not possible.
Italy is a racist country and this is demonstrates by growing intolerance cases, and for a great emigration country like Italy it’s not acceptable.
More actually is in a strong cultural decline with strong federalist currents and I don’t see a good future for my country.
So somebody can say me what are differences between Italy and so called Second World or Third World Countries ? because I just can’t see any difference.
To the next Post.
venerdì 23 aprile 2010
Perl : Programming Documentation Site
It’s a very good scripting language and I have found this site to help me in script creation:
Site :
I recommend this site, it’s a very good resource and help for Perl programming.
To the next Post.
martedì 20 aprile 2010
JGraph : beautiful choice
So I started looking for java libraries for the simple graphical representation and found these libraries:
• Piccolo2D :
• JGraph :
Really I needed a simple library to draw: links, rectangles and rhombus, common flow-chart symbols.
Best of these for my needs is JGraph , very complete and simple with a complete documentation. Respects a Piccolo2D is very complete in the linking management and layout design.
Very big problems for me were redistributing shapes and redesign all the forms and links, avoiding intersections.
In JGraph you can adopt, once created all shapes and links, a layout that redesign all shapes apply a particular representation (Tree, circular, organic, …) or you can implement generic Interface mxGraphLayout to create your own layout.
I used JGraph 6 for swing application and really recommend it.
To the next Post.
mercoledì 14 aprile 2010
Italy vs Italy
Really there are two classes of people: honest, working and capable on one side and thieves, profiteers and incapable on the other side.
You said “This happen everywhere!!!”. It’s true, but in Italy, second class of people is Managers, Political and generally it command on the other class.
In Italy there are few cases where good and capable people in positions of responsibility, generally are people : friend of …, sons of …, nieces of … or members of powerful organizations (legal or not).
This explains the dire situation of Italian Companies (for example Telecom Italia).
This class is greedy for money and power as well as incapable and this obviously affects capable class.
In conclusion options for capable class are only three: Change to upper class, leave the country or remain.
First option it’s possible only associated some powerful organizations or serve someone.
I recommend second option more dignified and honorable.
To next post.
lunedì 12 aprile 2010
Italian IT : history of a chronic patient
This theme is recurrent in my posts, simply because I am living a very difficult period in IT work area in my Company and in general in my country.
I know that possible cause is the global crisis, I know that Greece is at border of default, I know that Italy is better positioning than other European countries (ndr: Is it true this ?), but I am very worried about future. Why we are arrived at this point?
I worked from 1993 in IT and in these years in this sector many events have happened year after year and IT lost his importance and role.
I know it’s a global trend, as I wrote in a previous post.
But why IT is always seen as a cost to cut? First cost to cut.
I think simply because Italian management doesn’t know IT importance.
This is due essentially at three factors:
- Italy really is an old country with an average age very high then with an ancient Management.
- In Italy don’t exists a correct Technical Carrier in IT, generally a new employees graduate enter as a system analyst without having developed a single line of code, therefore haven’t knowledge of the entire IT production cycle.
- Companies not invest in training courses, fundamental in a continually evolving sector.
Another important factor to consider is the application of organizational methodologies predominantly Anglo-Saxon (Most IT companies are from USA) without changes or adjustments at reality very different both culturally and historical.
So a methodology that is successful in USA many times is a disaster in Italy or don’t reach expected results.
Current Trend of Italian Technological Company is to outsource IT Area ( I am witness of this in Telecom Italia S.p.A.) to few big IT consulting player (Accenture, Engeener, …) managing entire IT production Cycle.
This choice for a telecommunications company where IT systems strongly support core business meaning be easily blackmailed by these companies and I doubt that there are budget savings in long term (real reason of this outsourcing operation).
Moreover many times these consulting companies to economize use graduates without experience with obvious problems in implementation and service quality.
In conclusion, the situation is serious and I don’t see a short-term solution for IT in Italy, I hope that necessary measures are taken before this chronic patient dies.
To the next post.
mercoledì 7 aprile 2010
IT in Italy
The long wave of crisis strikes even on the shores of Information and Communication Technology.
And Italy is no exception: the first report data Assinform edited by NetConsulting pleasantries without describing the state sector in the peninsula: the ITC shall register an overall negative trend of 4.2% in 2009.
The report informs us that last year the business of the ICT market in Italy was 62 million euros.
Doubtful even software & services (-5.6%) and technical assistance (-5%). Among the programs there is no category showing no minus sign: application to -4.1%, -2% middleware, system software falling by 4.6%.
The crisis services, however, threatens several highly qualified professional, as evidenced by the numbers for the training (-8.8%) and consulting (7%).
I am a witness to the crisis, my company is cutting 2,150 professionals in the name of a false restructuring, moving into a smaller company that at best will have 3 years of life.
IT is always understood as an expense by management not as a benefit or a sector that benefits a company.
For this reason, cuts are made, badget are reduced to limit the cost, but for a Technology Company as Telecom Italia S.p.A. this will mean to go into Business failure.
To the next post.
martedì 6 aprile 2010
Chrome Stop-Motion Animation
Leaving Italy
In this blog there are many articles about experiences of Italians in other countries and practical advice for those who want to move to other countries.
In 4 months that i read this blog, i never read a bad experience, specially about young Italians that leave Italy after graduation, because not encounter a work.
A phrase that strikes me about all in daily post is "Italy is a country for old men", there aren't spaces for young people.
It's very sad read this, but is more sad know it is true.
But it's true, in Italy a young don't have opportunities specially after a graduation.
Scientific Research in Italy don't exist.
I have friends, very intelligent, graduates, capable but jobless or with temporary jobs underpaid.
Only way to encounter a work is if you know someone with a little recommendation regardless of ability.
So Given this situation the only solution is simply : Leave Italy, certainly is the advice that I will to my son when it's time.
To the next post.
venerdì 2 aprile 2010
Chrome or not Chrome ?
First Release was a disaster, i download it but when i couldn't navigate on my gmail site. Incredible a Google browser than not permitted go on his sites !!!!! Really a big disappointment.
After a month approximatively i downloaded a more stable version, a very simple and light browser without many function but that worked fine, i was happy!
In that period i used both Chrome and Internet Explorer.
But real leap forward in my opinion was done with version 4 by introducing extensions bridging that gap that divided him from Firefox primarily.
Actually there are many extensions in and a big developers community.
But why switching to Chrome? Simply because is light and intuitive.
Light and Intuitive, two main features that must have a browser. More is perfectly integrated with another google instruments (gmail, feed, note, buzz, ...). So my advice is to download and use it.
Actually Chrome is third Browser more used but i bet that in three years will be second or first.
In Wikipedia you find a very complete explanation and history of this beautiful browser
Bye to the next post.
giovedì 1 aprile 2010
My First Post
There're many things to say but write in another language is always difficult, and my English level not is so good.
Actually i am at office, bored and doing a work that not so good. I work in a big Italian Telecommunication Company
and this isn't his best period, really Italian IT are many years that is in problem.
I want speak about technical solutions, about me, about Telecommunication Sector, about my country, about all attract my attention, i will use English, Spanish and Italian for my posts.
Happy reading, hoping that my grammar errors will not come too horrified.
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